
2月29日, Demmi 拉莫斯 ’25 gathered on the university intramural field with the rest of the Balloon, Engineering and Rocketry (BEAR) team for the first high-altitude balloon launch of the year – and 拉莫斯’ first launch as the team’s balloon lead.

Demmi 拉莫斯 listening to headphones with trees in the background

“I spent my first two years on the team observing and learning a lot. 今年我要亲自动手,”拉莫斯说. “第一次发射规模相对较小, but eventually we’re going to put cameras and telemetry equipment to record temperatures and weather data because on April 8 we’ll be going to Arkansas to launch a balloon in the path of the total solar eclipse as part of the National Eclipse Ballooning Project [sponsored by NASA and the National Science Foundation].”

拉莫斯, 数学专业, 同时也是该团队火箭有效载荷的负责人, overseeing the design and preparation of the experiment the team will launch in its rocket in 6月 at the 2024 Spaceport America Cup in New Mexico – one of the largest intercollegiate rocket competitions in the world. 

Working with the BEAR team has broadened 拉莫斯’ knowledge about protective coatings for circuits and thermoelectric cooling systems, 但令人惊讶的是,它几乎不涉及数学.

Demmi 拉莫斯在火箭发射前工作

“When I joined the team, I expected to gain new knowledge and skills,拉莫斯解释道. “We use a lot of simulations that do the calculations automatically. 这是把双刃剑,因为我确实喜欢做计算, but automating those parts of the process frees us up to think further about the mathematical concepts.”

作为BEAR团队的一员,拉莫斯正在学习新的技能. But the mathematics department is where 拉莫斯 feels most at home at LR, exploring deeper mathematical concepts and building research experiences and credentials.

“我一直很喜欢数学. 在我的第一年, 我还没有决定我的专业, but taking classes with the math professors and getting to know them I got a sense of family from the department, 好像我真的属于那里,拉莫斯分享道. 

Through encouragement by faculty within the department, 拉莫斯 is working with Timothy Goldberg, Ph.D., on his research spotting coordinates and patterns generated in the card game EvenQuads. 

Demmi 拉莫斯在发射前拿着火箭

“The object of the game is to create sets of four cards – which we treated like coordinates. 全球网赌十大网站致力于具有特定属性的建筑布局, 证明模式是如何形成的, how they hold true and the circumstances that generate those patterns,拉莫斯解释道. “This kind of research takes a lot of attention to details, and sometimes the layouts didn’t do what I wanted but created new paths to explore. Those explorations and opportunities are the core of mathematical research.”

以研究经验为基础, 拉莫斯 has joined math faculty members at multiple conferences nationwide, 介绍数学研究的发展趋势. 2023年夏天, 拉莫斯  also conducted research with the Mathematics Climate 研究 Network, located at Wake Forest University and funded by the American Institute of Mathematics. 

Demmi 拉莫斯 standing on a hill with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background

“We were using computations to model how the Earth’s oceans could go from being completely liquid to completely ice,拉莫斯解释道. “它帮助我意识到我对气候研究的兴趣, which is also a focal point in the REUs [研究 Experiences for Undergraduates] I applied for this summer. I’ve accepted an offer to do an REU at the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Florida. I will be interning with the Ocean Technology Program by engineering ocean instrumentation.”

拉莫斯 is considering graduate study in climate science or ecology, 这符合与自然的长期联系, evident in their active participation in Outdoor Adventure Club and leadership as president of SEEDS (Ecological Society of America). 

2022年11月, I went to the University of Arizona and met with other students from the Ecological Society of America to study social ecological resilience,拉莫斯回忆道.  “We went to the desert laboratory on Tumamoc Hill to measure Saguaro cacti and learn about their resilient nature and growth patterns. We drove up Mount Lemmon to see vegetation differences and met with data scientists and other people in the ecological professions to learn about their work.”

Demmi 拉莫斯坐在一个球形容器里

SEEDS is only one of the campus organizations where 拉莫斯 has assumed a leadership role. They also serve as president for the LR chapter of Chi Beta Phi, 数学和科学荣誉协会, as well as president of the Campus 活动 Board (CAB). 拉莫斯 also serves as vice president of the First-Generation 学生 Association and as vice president of the Honors Academy.

“Of course, so many activities make a competitive resume, but that’s for them. 对我来说, 我自己, I’m learning a lot of things that will allow me to adapt to changes in work and in life,拉莫斯说. “加, it’s fun being able to engage in these experiences that I can look back on – that’s the point of college.”

Carly York displays the cover of her book 丛林女王

From the leading lion to a superhero octopus, biology professor Carly York, Ph.D., shares the animal kingdom's most amazing female species in her new book.

Three students walking across campus with Grace Chapel and Shaw Plaza in the background

促进善良, 通过艺术产生共鸣和社区, 教育和娱乐, makes LR and The Art of Compassion a perfect fit for partnership.
